Monday, September 19, 2011

The Case of the Mondays Just Got Closed...

Hey Guys! How's Everyone doin? I actually don't have any updates on the wallpaper. BUT I did get my business cards printed and I've been giving them out to everyone at work. I even left one in the bathroom at work.. It's cool, it's cool, I left it on the sink. I figured it would be awkward for someone to be takin a piss and all they do is look down and see my screaming face on a little card on top of the urinal. Lol So yeah, there was that. And today, I was asked by a friend, from work her name is Ashley, and she wanted a tattoo design of a Sagittarius Arrow on the back of her neck. So I drew up three concepts in my 4x6 sketch pad and here they are...

A little "subliminal message" in there...

This is a simple one meant to go on the side of her neck if she was to choose so.

Hope she'll like them and will be able to choose one she likes the most. More good news is that, I may get a gig at doing some illustrations for a children's book, I believe it's like a 4 book series or something like that. The only thing is..... it's a religious... children's book. And I'm sure most of you know.. I aint the type. Lol But hey, work is work, right? So fuck it, it's not like I'm against it anyway... I just find it humorous in parts. =b So we'll see how that goes, I'm thinking the guy may email me back again by tomorrow, which is my day off. Ohhhh yyeeaahh! And then, I'm off Wednesday also so hopefully I'll get some work done one of those days.

So that's all I got for tonight, I may even get some shit done tonight. But I'll catch Everyone on the flip side on...

The Stuff of G.Teradoooooo!!!!!

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