Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Things to Come

 This song is about the Zombie Apocalypse. So pay attention, this song could save your life.

As per usual, life has continued to remain a bit crazy. At least for me it's crazy. It's been tough to really pursue all the plans I've made and now that February is a couple of weeks away, I'm gonna be moving AGAIN for the third time. Lol But this time will be different, I will be moving out with my girlfriend. This is a huge step for us and I can't wait til the day comes. And the great news is that we did find a place and we did get accepted, but I think we're still checking out a couple of places first. If we do decide to stick with this apartment, I will remain in Bloomfield. But now, I really really need to get myself a steady income whether it's another part-time or a new full-time job.

Also, in February, I have the two art shows coming up, which I'm pretty stoked about. I will be back in Boonton at The Canvas Clash on February 1st and then on the 10th, I will be in Lyndhurst at the Whiskey Cafe. I can't wait to show off the rest of the Zombies including the new ones, which you can check out on my Zombified page if you haven't already. Originally, I wanted to be able to present the new Zombie animation, which was going to showcase my Zombies from Zombified and also feature an epic song by my friends' band, Science. Definitely check them out if you haven't heard their stuff yet. But now, with the remaining time I have, I dunno if I'll be able to have the animation done. Considering all of the work that it involves, it's definitely going to take a long time because I like to go the whole nine yards from character bibles, storyboards, animatics, the whole thang. So yeah, I'm thinking if anything I'll have some promo pics and maybe a short teaser for either Feb. 1st or the 10th. We'll see, I still have some clients to take care of, which involves two bands.

I've even mentioned doing some character work for Blazer Show, which has grown to be a great challenge for me since I've strayed from it working on Zombified. The characters have grown so much and the story is really pulling together now and I haven't been around for it. It's tough when your partners are in a complete different state. And to be completely honest, I've been more dedicated to Zombified, not just because of my love for Zombies, but because it's what's making me some money. I may not be making bank from it, but some money is definitely better than no money. I feel when the time is right, I will be able to reunite with my partners and truly get back on track and brought up to speed with Blazer Show. And I feel that time will be when I have my true foundation built and involves being settled in a new home and having a real income. So when that happens, everything will fall into place.

That's the update for now, you can swing by my Zombified page for any further updates on the project and for any upcoming art shows. So until then...

Live, Love, and Kill Zombies.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Happy belated New Year Everyone! Man, has it been a long time, which I'm really sorry for. Thankfully, there are things that I've been busy with. So it's not entirely because of laziness. Lol

So where to begin?... Well, I now occupy my own car, which happens to be my girlfriend's old car. Lol And now, I don't feel so stuck at home. I've been trying to be as social as possible whenever I'm not lounging around or working on Zombified. I've also had two great opportunities to display my Zombified work, both times at The Canvas Clash in Boonton. And my next two art shows will be on February 1st at The Canvas Clash and February 10th at the Whiskey Cafe in Lyndhurst. The last two shows were really fun, meeting new people and chatting with other local talented artists. I've been so lucky and grateful that my Zombie work has been catching as much attention as it has been. My Facebook page seems to be doing fairly well with 150 Likes of whom I like to call my "ZombiFans". Lol Corny, I know, but some people like that.... I think.

As usual, there's a bunch of things I've been wanting and needing to do. I need to get back into the grind with Blazer Show and whip up some more concepts and tweek out the design concepts of the characters a little more. I need to start the pre production for my Zombie animation and hopefully come up with at least a short teaser of it at least by the 1st or 10th of February. I kinda wanna be the only one to display animation at these certain events. And after speaking with my friend, who is the singer of Science, I really wanna make that happen being the fact that I will be using a portion of their song for the animation. It will be epic. Also, I really really really wanna start doing other personal animation projects to make a new demo reel which I will be using another one of Science's songs for. And when I show off my animation work I will also be showcasing Science and letting their awesome music be heard. So that's gonna be really fun. I'm thinking about printing some stickers to give out also at the art shows and doing other stuff to give myself more exposure. My girlfriend and I have looked into trademarking again and we were told of a site that could help me with it for a good price, I just need to save up to pay for it and maybe ask for a small loan. Ugh. But yeah, if I get this done, then everything will be covered and protected and that's what's important.

Now, that I have all these things I want to do, which is typical, I really need to find and make time to manage everything and that's the hard part.. which is typical, as well. I've only really been focusing so much on Zombified simply because it's what's helping me make some money and it is what I love doing, especially now so it's been pretty hard not to get lost in this route I've been going on. Hopefully, very soon, I will be able to maintain my other projects all at once. When there's a will there's a way, right? Right.

Now, the holidays, I hope Everyone enjoyed their holidays these past couple of months. Although, I had to work on Thanksgiving, it still turned out nice and Christmas was pretty sweet, too. Got my new fold up crossbow, which is siiiiick.

And I've learned a new and easy way to string my crossbows aaaaaanndd I also ordered twin Kukri machetes which I'm expecting to arrive any day this week or next week. So watch out, Zombies. And need I say NYE was pretty awesome, even though I had work at 3am that night. Still partied, still went to work, but punched out early. Lol It was a good night...

Also, awhile ago, I completed a new Zombie, in case some of you haven't seen it on Facebook yet...

Dan Dedeian
And there's plenty of more where that came from. They're just WIPs. Lol So that's pretty much a quick recap of the past couple of months and now that it's a new year, I'm trying to maintain a fresh positive attitude towards my work and my life. Whenever you have the free time, swing by my Zombified page for any updates on the projects and/or on the art show events. And PLEASE share my page, I would love for my ZombiFan base to grow! ^__^

Until next time, guys.. See ya laterzzz!!