Monday, February 27, 2012

Mellow Monday

Hey Guys! So I managed to get some work done. Although, I didn't get as much done as I was hoping. I should've realized after having my overnight shift last night, I was going to be pretty damn tired. I didn't get home until around 5:30am and couldn't fall asleep until around 7:30, which is the usual case. But after waking up from my nap, I was still extremely tired and exhausted and continue to fall in and out of sleep throughout the afternoon and even after that, I continued to just relax.

Luckily, I still got stuff done. The countdown continues so I really want to get this picture done so I can share it with everyone on Friday. So this is what I have done, I got to outline Deivy and color him in, I just need to add in some shading and gunfire from his shotgun. And then tomorrow, I think I'm going to just outline everyone else and then I'll start filling them in. Time is running out so I'm really going to have to hustle up and get this done.

So here it is once again...

"It's Zombie Time"
I hope you guys are liking what you see and I'll have more for ya tomorrow! Peace!

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